Here are some important announcements concerning the NHS Band for this week.
All Cookie Dough Fundraiser Packets are DUE TOMORROW (Thursday, August 30) to the Purple Box. Students may drop the packets off before school after 8:10AM, turn them in during PEAK time during the school day, OR turn them in during 4th block on Thursday.
Advertising space in our Olde English Festival of Bands Program is still on sale. We are high need for folks to place both PERSONAL and BUSINESS related ads. We need these forms turned in by Friday, August 31 to the Purple Box. If this deadline is an issue, please e-mail Mr. Tinker. If you have a question about the program, please contact Amy Cassidy. More information is available by clicking here.
Volunteer Shifts & Food Donation Sign-Ups are now available for Olde English. The links below will take you to the sign-up pages. All band students will be required to fulfill at least one student volunteer shift. We also need all parents and guardians to fill a volunteer position. Descriptions for the various types of need are listed on the Olde English Volunteer Page. This is our major fundraiser for the year – we need all hands on deck!
Information for Fridayโs Football Game at RHSD3 Stadium
Call time for students at RHSD3 Stadium is 6:30PM in Summer Uniform. Winds must also have folios and lyres. Students are encouraged to be dropped off and picked up using the Stadium Street entrance. All parents and guardians not acting as an official chaperone for the band will need a ticket to enter the stadium. Students should be picked up at the conclusion of the game at approximately 10PM.
We are holding another Prop Building Session on Saturday for any handy parents – 9AM-12PM.
Please contact the band office if you have any questions or concerns!