The following are some important announcements for this week regarding the NHS Band.
- Jazz Band and Winterguard Auditions are this week after-school.
- Picture Proofs from the individual portraits made several weeks ago were delivered to students in class on Monday. Please review the proofs, indicate preference to purchase or not, and return to the Purple Box by November 30, 2018.
- Information about the annual RHSD3 Band Dance is available by clicking here. The dance will be on December 14, 2018 at the Elks Lodge. Tickets go on sale soon!
- The NHS Band will take a volunteer pep band to Fridayโs playoff game at T.L. Hanna High School. Students will depart NHS at 3:30PM. Before the game, the we will stop at the Haywood Mall Food Court in Greenville for dinner. Please dress warmly. Our ETA back at NHS is approximately 12:30AM. Students wanting to volunteer for this opportunity can sign up on the board in the band room.