We want to remind our families of our last band booster meeting for this school year – TONIGHT – at 7:00 PM in the band room. Please make every effort to attend if you are able, as we have some critical issues to discuss, including electing our executive board for next school year.
Nominations for executive board positions (President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary) must be made from the floor during tonight’s meeting. Voting will occur by acclamation, or ballot if necessary, immediately following the close of nominations for each office. Per the NHS Band Booster By-laws, Article III, No. 5 – “Voting membership shall be limited to those general members who are a parent, legal guardian, or step-parent of a student currently enrolled in the band at NHS.”
Mr. Tinker is holding a brief informational meeting at 6:30 PM for rising 9th graders and their families in the strings room. Thisย meeting is an opportunity for new folks to ask questions about our program and learn more about the structure of the band program here at NHS.
Families that have outstanding financial obligations for marching season fees, winter guard fees, jazz band fees, etc. will receive statements via e-mail this week from Mr. Tinker. We will also be handing the students a hard copy in class. Please make sure the remainder of
We look forward to seeing everyone this evening! There are only fifteen more school days left after today!