The following are some important announcements for the week of 10/7/2019.
Winds need to have folios and lyres with them in class on Wednesday.
The band will perform at the homecoming pep rally in F Gym during 4th block. Winds, please have your folio and lyre with you in class on Friday. Β Call Time at District 3 Stadium is 6:15 PM. The dress is full uniform. We are not performing the competition field show at halftime. This is a required performance for battery percussion and winds – and optional for colorguard and front ensemble.
Competition @ Gaffney HS – Reservation Tournament of Champions
- Click here for the schedule and itinerary.
- Click here for a full performance schedule.
- Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for student. Children five and under are free.
- Sign-Ups for Region Band and All-State Jazz Band will begin next week.
- All-State Jazz Band Audition Registration Fees are $10.
- Region Band Audition Fees are $12.
- Cash, Check (made payable to NHS Band Boosters) or BCPs accepted. If using BCPs, submit the online BCP Request Form.
- Winds are reminded of their recording assignments in Canvas. Please adhere to due dates. All three must be turned in before the end of the quarter. See Canvas for details.
- Senior Night is October 25. More information will be coming out next week concerning this recognition event. The band will perform our competition field show at halftime before recognizing our senior members and their parents/guardians.
- Cookie Dough Delivery is Friday, October 18, 2019.
- We kicked off TWO fundraisers at the October Booster Meeting!
- Click Here for information about the annual fruit sale.
- Click Here for information about the pancake fundraiser at FATZ Cafe.