The following are some important announcements regarding the NHS Band for the week of 11/18/2019.
If you have not turned in your region band audition fees to the band office, please do so by the end of this week!
Wind and percussionists are reminded that there are recording assignments for scales that are due over the course of the second quarter. Please check Canvas for details and due dates. Students, please work to submit these assignments on time!
Students will need marching instruments, folios, and lyres on Friday during 4th block. The band will be performing for the pep rally.
Students received or will receive proofs from J. Rich Photography if they participated in the band portrait session held earlier this months. All proofs and payments (regardless of intention to buy) must be returned to the Purple Box before we leave for Thanksgiving break. The deadline to have proofs and orders turned in is Tuesday, November 26, 2019.
Information about an instrument step-up night from Musical Innovations is posted on our website for those that may be interested in purchasing a new instrument for their band student.
The RHSD3 Band Dance is December 13, 2019. Students must RSVP using an online form and pay for their ticket(s) in advance. The deadline to RSVP is December 6, 2019. Click here for more information and to RSVP.
Students will be receiving statements concerning outstanding 2019 Marching Season Fee balances before we break for Thanksgiving. Please be on the lookout for these statements. Families will also receive an e-mail with this same information if we have your address on file.
Please contact the band office with any questions or concerns.