Woodwind & Brass Reminders

For students joining us for their first rehearsal this evening (brass), or tomorrow evening (woodwinds), here are a few reminders that were discussed initially at our webinar on August 10:

1) You must have a signed waiver on file with us before you participate. We will have extra copies at check-in at the field; however, you can also print, sign, and bring it with you to check-in.

2) All students should report directly to the band field for check-in. Sousaphones will check-in at the field first and will be advised by staff when they may enter the band room to pick up their instrument.

3) Please make sure to dress appropriately for rehearsal: wear a hat, tennis shoes, athletic/loose fit clothing. Bring your own water jug. Water will not be available at the field and there will be very limited restroom access.

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