Here are the weekly updates and announcements for the week. Please be sure to read through everything carefully and make a note of deadline dates and rehearsal and performance dates.
- Friday, November 27 – Playoff game at District 3 Stadium. The call time will be 6:30. Uniforms will be show shirts, jeans, sneakers, socks, band jackets, and toboggans.
- SOUSAPHONES AND PERCUSSION – You must come to the band room between 5:30 and 6:00 on Friday to load your instrument on the truck or make arrangements with someone to load it for you. IT WILL NOT GET LOADED ANY OTHER WAY, AND IT WILL RESULT IN AN UNEXCUSED ABSENCE IF YOU DON’T HAVE AN INSTRUMENT TO PLAY AT THE GAME!!! We will also need some assistance to offload the truck after the game. It should take about 5 minutes if we have 6-8 additional people helping.
- Parents can purchase tickets at; you do not need a code this week. WE ARE ON THE HOME SIDE THIS WEEK! All tickets are $8.00 and must be purchased in advance. Please remember that if your child has a conflict on Friday and cannot attend the game, I must be notified by a parent in advance for the absence to be excused.
- We have also learned that the SCHSL will not allow bands at the state championship games in Columbia next weekend. Therefore, if the team does win Friday night, we will not travel to the championship game next week.
- Concert ensembles have started, and the A-Day and B-Day groups have been divided into woodwind, brass, percussion, and dance ensembles. Each group will have its own rehearsal space that will provide more than sufficient space to maintain at least 6 feet of social distancing. All ensembles will prepare a short program of their own, and we will also spend 15 to 20 minutes together on most days to rehearse one selection as a combined group. The concert will be recorded during the 4th block the week of December 14th and will then be streamed on several dates the week of Christmas. We will not have a live performance at the school on the evening of December 10th.
Other general announcements:
- The fruit has been ordered, but they will not guarantee a delivery date due to the small order this year. As soon as I know the date, I will notify students and parents so you can plan accordingly. Please encourage your child to practice every day and remind them to submit their attendance checks and assignments for their virtual learning days.
- There has been a change in senior picture plans, and there will no longer be a senior group picture taken in uniform. If you would like to take individual pictures of your senior in uniform, please contact me, and we will work out the details individually.
- Brass players – If you would like some additional help preparing for the All-State & Region Auditions, the Winthrop Brass department is replacing our normal workshop with a virtual workshop this year on December 5th. More information is at
- Region audition registrations are now finalized. If your child registered to audition, please encourage them to practice the audition etudes and scales for the auditions. We will record the auditions at school from January 5-8. Click HERE to go to the USC School of Music website to hear a recording of your audition etude, and be sure to see Mr. Yost, Ms. Carlson, or Mr. Walker if you would like help with your solos.
- There are still several students that have not paid the $12.00 registration fee for region band auditions. Please be sure to get that paid as soon as possible.
- See Mr. Yost or Ms. Carlson if you still owe money for a folio or lyre. The list of students who haven’t paid is posted on the whiteboard in the band room.
Please let us know if you have any questions, and enjoy a safe Thanksgiving this week!
M. Yost