Happy New Year!!! Here are the weekly updates and announcements for the Northwestern Purple Regiment. Please be sure to read through everything carefully and make a note of deadline dates as well as rehearsal and performance dates.
This is the last week for students to request a recommendation for the USC Band Clinic. See the attached document for more information. If you would like a recommendation, please be sure to send Mr. Yost the following information:
Full name of student
Chosen instrument of student
Student grade
Student address (to mail t-shirt)
Student email
Student t-shirt size
Student ensemble experience (such as honor bands, other clinics, or community & church ensembles)
Student interest in submitting audition video for masterclass feature (juniors/seniors only; masterclass form due at later date)
Band Fee & BCP Account Letters: All band families should have received a letter in early December that shows the student BCP account balances as well as any outstanding fees that need to be paid. Please note that the BCP balances do not reflect the fruit sales, but those will be added to the BCP accounts this week. Fees include the $250.00 marching band fee, the $12.00 Region Band Audition fee, and charges made for folios, lyres, and reeds throughout the course of the semester. In many instances, if a student had a small region band audition fee or folio & lyre fee, and had money in their BCP account, we deducted those fees from their accounts. For those that still owe the marching band fee, we would like to have it paid by the end of the semester but if you need some extra time to pay it off it wonโt be a problem. The important thing is to get it paid as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact Mr. Yost or Ms. Carlson if you have any questions or concerns about the BCP account or the fees.
The deadline for the SCBDA Region Band Registration has been extended to January 23rd. Students will have a chance to work with Ms. Carlson, Mr. Tinker, and Mr. Walker during class and we will record the auditions the week of January 18. Click HERE to go to the USC School of Music website to hear a recording of your audition etude and be sure to see Mr. Yost, Ms. Carlson, or Mr. Walker if you would like help with your solos.
Final exams will start on Thursday, January 28 continue the week of February 1. Requirements will be discussed and explained, in class.
Lastly, please continue to encourage your child to practice every day and remind them to be sure they have submitted their attendance checks and assignments they have for their virtual learning days. We are also beginning to notice a larger number of students not submitting their recording assignments. These can be submitted late, but as is always the case, it is better if the work is submitted on time.
Please note that the last day to submit late assignments is Monday, February 1st. Please be sure to check Canvas to ensure you havenโt missed any assignments.