Announcements – Week of 3/17

I want to congratulate our JV and Varsity Winter Guards for their outstanding performances this past weekend at Byrnes High School. They performed for a panel of judges and received very positive comments on their performances. Ms. Harmon was delighted with the performance, and we hope to have videos posted on the website later this week. The guard will be competing at some CWEA Virtual Competitions later in April and the virtual circuit championships in May. Keep up the great work, and we look forward to seeing your fantastic shows in May!

Other updates and announcements:

Any parent interested in serving on the booster club’s executive board, please contact Mr. Yost or Todd Tucker as soon as possible. We will present the slate of officers for next year at the next booster meeting on March 29.

Please pay your solo and ensemble fees as soon as possible. The fees are $20.00 for solos and $4.00 per person for 2nd ensemble registrations. You can pay with BCPs, cash, or check made out to NHS Band Boosters.

The annual Cookie Dough Sale has started! We distributed brochures, order forms, and an information sheet to students in class on Monday and Tuesday. The information page includes instructions on how to order online, the turn-in date, and to whom checks should be written. I hope everyone takes advantage of this opportunity, which could be a massive benefit to both individual students and the NHS Band Boosters!

Senior parents, please be sure to follow up with the request for baby pictures and gift donations that we communicated last week. Please be sure to contact us if you are a senior parent and didn’t get the membership crew’s message yesterday.

As you know, we are still on track to return to traditional five-day, face-to-face instruction next week. This won’t significantly change what we are doing every day in band class. Students will remain at a sufficient physical difference, with masks and bell covers on at all times in class. We are working on full ensemble music to submit to SCBDA for a virtual concert band assessment and small ensemble material for the state solo and ensemble assessments. After spring break, we will start preparing for a spring concert to have outdoors at a site to be determined.

Once we return to the five-day schedule, we will still post assignments in Canvas weekly. Please continue to log-in to Canvas to keep track of your grades, and don’t hesitate to send us a message or give us a call if you have any questions!

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NHS BAND Facebook Posts

πŸŽΆπŸ† REGION BAND HONOREES! πŸ†πŸŽΆ Congratulations to these outstanding Northwestern High School musicians🌟 on their selection to the South Carolina All-Region Band, comprising the best student musicians in our area. They were selected through a rigorous audition process by the South Carolina Band Directors Association. 🎺πŸ₯πŸŽ· Earning a spot is a huge honor, and we couldnt be prouder of our students for representing NHS at the highest level! πŸ‘πŸ”₯  #RegionBand #TopMusicians #SCBDA #TrojanPride #ProudMoment

πŸŽΆπŸ† REGION BAND HONOREES! πŸ†πŸŽΆ Congratulations to these outstanding Northwestern High School musicians🌟 on their selection to the South Carolina All-Region Band, comprising the best student musicians in our area. They were selected through a rigorous audition process by the South Carolina Band Directors Association. 🎺πŸ₯πŸŽ· Earning a spot is a huge honor, and we couldn't be prouder of our students for representing NHS at the highest level! πŸ‘πŸ”₯ #regionband #topmusicians #scbda #TrojanPride #proudmoment ... See MoreSee Less

20 hours ago

11 CommentsComment on Facebook

So proud! Well done!


What an awesome job today! Congratulations to all of these talented kids!

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BIG NEWS for the Purple Regiment! ... See MoreSee Less

3 days ago

8 CommentsComment on Facebook

Wonderful news and congratulations!

πŸ‘ proud of you!!!


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