As you know, we are hosting the 2022 CWEA Premiere show on Saturday and we still have a large number of work assignments that have not been filled. This show has traditionally been a significant source of income that helps to balance our budget and keep band fees low. Our fee has not increased in over 15 years, which is due primarily to the successful marching band and winterguard events that we are able to host. It is very important that all band families volunteer for a work assignment to help this show run smoothly. Volunteer signups are available now in Charms, please sign up for at least one shift! Use school code “northwesternhsband” when prompted, and then select the “Volunteers” drop-down menu in the upper left corner. If you haven’t signed up for a work assignment, please make it a point to do so today.
Announcements and reminders for this week include:
- The All-State and All-State Jazz Auditions are this Saturday, January 29th at Beechwood Middle School in Lexington. Maps and additional information will be given to students in class on Friday.
- Our annual coffee sale started last week and will run through Friday, January 28th. Please be sure to return the orders and payments by Friday in an envelope clearly labeled with your student’s name and whether the order is for coffee or popcorn. Checks should be made payable to NHS Band Boosters. Find the coffee order form HERE. Find the popcorn order form HERE.
- As with all of our fundraising events, 50% of the profit will go directly into your student’s BCP account and can be used to make trip payments, band fee payments, or to buy supplies.
- Please be sure to check canvas regularly for assignments and reminders!
- There are still many students who haven’t completed their E-Learning assignments from last week, which count as a grade AND will determine attendance for that day!
- Please remember the FINAL trip payment for the spring trip is due on February 15th. Send your payment directly to Stamm Travel with your payment sheet!
- If you wish to pay using BCPs, please indicate this on the payment form you send to Stamm, and complete the BCP authorization form so we can transfer your payment. We will send one check to cover all BCP payments each month.
- There still is room for some additional travelers (including parents!) who are welcome to travel as tag-alongs. Please contact Mr. Yost if you would like to join us on the trip and haven’t signed up yet.
As always, please be sure to contact us if you have any questions or concerns and thank you again for all you do for our program!