The WGI Regional Championships are at NHS this Saturday! Please sign up for a work assignment in Charms to ensure the event runs smoothly. To see the work assignments and times, click here! If you are not available on Saturday, please stop by the school on Friday starting at 6 pm or Sunday at 5 pm to help set up/breakdown so that everything is ready to go in time for school Monday morning. This event is significant to the entire band program, so please help us make it a success!
Upcoming Dates:
- Tuesday, March 1 at 7:30 pm, NHS Pre-Festival Concert in the Northwestern Auditorium. Admission is free!
- Students will report at 7 pm wearing concert black. This means shirts, pants, shoes, and socks should be ALL black: noย tennis shoes or sweatpants/leggings.
- Saturday, March 5 at 9:15 am, NHS at Jazz Performance Assessment at Newberry College. Admission is free!
- Saturday, March 5, NHS Winterguard in Mooresville. The performance time and admission price will be announced soon.
- Wednesday, March 16 at 2:30 pm, NHS Symphonic Band Concert Performance Assessment at Nation Ford High School. Admission is free!
Additional announcements:
- The cookie dough sale started yesterday and will run through Monday, March 7! This has traditionally been a successful fundraising event with some great prize incentives for the students. There is also an easy online sale option available. For additional information about the sale and how to turn in your orders at the end of the sale, please watch a detailed video HERE
- Students traveling with the band to Williamsburg in April should have the following mandatory rehearsal dates in their calendar. You can also find these dates in your second-semester calendar included with your syllabus.
- March 23, March 30, April 4, April 6. All rehearsals at 3:50-5:00 pm
- There is also a mandatory meeting for all travelers and their parents, on Monday, April 4, at 7:30 pm in the band room.
- The FINAL trip payment for the spring trip was due on February 15. Send your payment directly to Stamm Travel with your payment sheet!
- If you wish to pay using BCPs, please complete the BCP authorization form to transfer your payment. We will send one check to cover all BCP payments each month.
- There is still room for additional travelers (including parents!) who are welcome to travel as tag-along. Please contact Mr. Yost if you want to join us on the trip and havenโt signed up yet.
- Please check canvas regularly for assignments and reminders! The end of the 3rd Quarter is March 11, and the last day to turn in late assignments is Sunday, March 6.
As always, please contact us if you have any questions or concerns, and thank you for all you do for our band program!