Now that we have reached the month of October, we realize there are also nearing the end of the marching season. I would like to thank everyone for all the hard work you have put in over the past two months but also to remind everyone that some of our hardest work is ahead of us as we polish and detail our show to make it the best production we can put on the field. Likewise, I want to be sure everyone is aware of our philosophy on competition in the Purple Regiment. Students can only control their own performances and not those of other bands. With that in mind, we focus on improvement and growth in our students each week. Success is defined as performing better this week than we did last week. Please help reinforce our competition philosophy at home by encouraging your child to measure success by growth rather than through trophies, medals, and placements.
Information for this week includes:
Saturday Performance Schedule
Date: Saturday, October 8
Location: Catawba Ridge High School in Fort Mill (Click HERE for maps and show information)
Performance Time: 6:45 pm
Call Time: 10:30 am at Northwestern
Dress: Full Fall Uniform
Click HERE to see the full agenda for Saturday.
We still have 4 tickets which are selling for $10.00 in advance. These will be sold to the first 11 individuals that come in with cash or a check to pay for them. Checks should be made payable to the NHS Band Boosters.
Fruit Sale:
The annual fruit sale started at the parent meeting this past Monday. There are brochures and order forms in the band room the students can pick up or click on the links below to access the information:
Link to Phone App to send information to family and friends electronically.
Link to Online Sales Website to purchase your fruit or to forward to family and friends.
Link to Sale Information with dates and instructions about the sale.
Olde English T-Shirts & Programs
In case you missed out on purchasing your Olde English t-shirt. They are $10. Contact Heather King to let her know what you need. T-shirt sizes available include S-4XL.
Purple Show Shirts
There is one lonely XL shirt remaining and for $15 and it could be yours. Contact Heather King to let her if you’d like to bring this shirt home.
A few chaperones are still needed for this Saturday’s Band Beat competition. Please SIGN-UP HERE to chaperone upcoming football games and competitions.
Booster Parent Meeting Minutes
Please read through the following minutes from our most recent Booster Parent Meeting for approval at our next meeting. October 3, 2022
If you are able, please send a couple of packs of drinks and snacks. These will be used for our students when we travel.
What we need at this time:
- Water – we can never have too much
- Single serving chips (variety packs)
- Individually wrapped Little Debbie, Oreos, Nutty Buddy, etc.
- Lance crackers, granola bars, etc.
Thank you for sending what you can to the Northwestern Band Room this week or next so we can provide snacks for our students.
Rehearsal Schedule for next week: Monday 10/10 Rehearsal 4-5:30
- Tuesday 10/11 Rehearsal 4-5:30
- Wednesday 10/12 Rehearsal 4-5:30
- Thursday 10/13 Rehearsal 4-5:30
- Friday is a half-day, NO Rehearsal
- Friday 10/14 Football Performance at District Three Stadium
- Saturday 10/15 BandBeat Competition at Mooresville High School in Mooresville, NC Report time at 10:00 am, performance at 7:00 pm (Detailed information will be available next week)
Assignment Deadline
Students are reminded that the last day to submit late assignments is Sunday, October 9th. Make sure to submit your assignments so your grade reflects the great work you have been doing for the past nine weeks.
Honor Band Recommendations
Upperclassmen interested in the Winthrop or Furman Honors Bands can access information on the marching band canvas page and the nomination request form.
Monthly Band Fee Payments
Remember to make your monthly band fee payment. You can pay with cash, check, or money order, place it in an envelope with your child’s name and the payment, and then have your child drop it by the band office. You can also deduct it from your child’s BCP account by filling out the form HERE. Another option is to pay it electronically directly to the school by clicking HERE.
Please let us know if you are any questions or concerns, and we hope to see you Saturday evening at Cawtaba Ridge.