Announcements – Week of 2/17/2023

Make it a point to sign up below for a guard show work assignment on Saturday, February 25. It is critical that every family work at least one shift throughout the day as this is an important fundraising event for the entire band program. The event’s profit helps us continue to give a percentage of the profit from the other fundraising events back to the students to use for trips and band fees. The links to the sign-up forms are below. If you cannot work on Saturday, please contact Heather King as we will need some help with set-up Friday evening. Of course, if there are any questions, please contact us in the band office.

Additional Information for this week includes:

Solo & Ensemble Registratation:

Students may begin registering to participate in the 2023 SCBDA Solo & Ensemble Assessments. This event will be on Friday, April 21, at Sullivan Middle School. Detailed Information and a link to the registration form can be found on the band Canvas page. Registrations will continue through next Friday, February 24.

Private Lesson Academy:

The Private Lesson Academy forms are due today. Please review this PRIVATE LESSON ACADEMY HANDOUT and return the paper as soon as possible if you haven’t already done so.

  • Private lessons will be offered AT NORTHWESTERN HIGH SCHOOL as a convenience to parents and families.
  • The private lessons will provide individualized instruction and feedback to help students advance to the next level on their instruments.
  • Students will be connected with instructors to coordinate lesson scheduling and cost.
  • We hope that EVERY STUDENT in the band program will enroll in the Private Lesson Academy.

Coffee & Popcorn Fundraiser:

The coffee and popcorn orders are ready to be picked up. Please be sure to get those today if possible.

Band Booster News:


WHAT: WGI Regional competition

WHEN: February 25 throughout the day

WHY: A fundraising event that 100% supports the band

HOW CAN YOU HELP: Head to the Sign-Up and volunteer your time!

Cookie Dough Fundraiser:

We will officially start our cookie dough sale next week, but you are welcome to start today by sharing the link for the online sales with family and friends. This is the same company we have used for over 20 years, and many of you have also sold these products with your middle school bands. This can make a substantial amount of money for the student BCP accounts, so I encourage everyone to participate as much as possible. To get started, click HERE for general Information about the sale and the link to the online sales information. Click HERE to access the spring sales brochure and click HERE to see the cookie dough selections and other baked goods.

Hawaii 2024 Information:

Students, families, and others may sign up for the Hawaii trip by clicking HERE.

If you could not attend one of our informational meetings, click HERE to see the tentative trip itinerary, payment information, and a video that will walk you through how to sign up for the trip.

Monthly Band Fee Payments:

There are still a significant number of students who have outstanding balances for the 2022 marching band fees. You can pay with cash, check, or money order, place it in an envelope with your child’s name and the payment, and then have your child drop it by the band office. You can also deduct it from your child’s BCP account by filling out the form HERE. Another option is to pay it electronically directly to the school by clicking HERE. Getting your fees paid as soon as possible is essential as it will start to impact other events such as prom. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Upcoming Performances:

February 17-18 Region Three Band Clinic at Nation Ford High School

March 4            SCBDA Jazz Performance Assessment at Newberry College

March 7            Pre-Assessment Concert at NHS

Please let us know if you are any questions or concerns, and thank you again for all you do for our students.

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NHS BAND Facebook Posts

🎶🏆 REGION BAND HONOREES! 🏆🎶 Congratulations to these outstanding Northwestern High School musicians🌟 on their selection to the South Carolina All-Region Band, comprising the best student musicians in our area. They were selected through a rigorous audition process by the South Carolina Band Directors Association. 🎺🥁🎷 Earning a spot is a huge honor, and we couldnt be prouder of our students for representing NHS at the highest level! 👏🔥  #RegionBand #TopMusicians #SCBDA #TrojanPride #ProudMoment

🎶🏆 REGION BAND HONOREES! 🏆🎶 Congratulations to these outstanding Northwestern High School musicians🌟 on their selection to the South Carolina All-Region Band, comprising the best student musicians in our area. They were selected through a rigorous audition process by the South Carolina Band Directors Association. 🎺🥁🎷 Earning a spot is a huge honor, and we couldn't be prouder of our students for representing NHS at the highest level! 👏🔥 #regionband #topmusicians #scbda #TrojanPride #proudmoment ... See MoreSee Less

20 hours ago

11 CommentsComment on Facebook

So proud! Well done!


What an awesome job today! Congratulations to all of these talented kids!

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BIG NEWS for the Purple Regiment! ... See MoreSee Less

3 days ago

8 CommentsComment on Facebook

Wonderful news and congratulations!

👏 proud of you!!!


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