I want to remind everyone with outstanding marching band fees from last semester to get those paid as soon as possible, as they are now considered delinquent. Students with delinquent fees cannot purchase prom tickets or parking permits until those fees are paid. Likewise, winterguard, percussion ensemble, and jazz fees should be paid in full by May 1st. Checks for the marching band fees should be made payable to Northwestern High School, and checks for all other fees should be payable to NHS Band Boosters. Additional payment methods are described below. Contact Mr. Yost if there are any questions or concerns.
Additional Information for this week includes:
From the Booster President:
It’s time to start putting new Booster board members in place. YOU could be the next President, Vice President, Junior Treasurer, or Secretary! If interested in these possibilities, please message Heather King ([email protected]) with any questions. These positions begin this August and wrap up next May. You would have tons of support in any of these roles. A slate of officers will be presented at our next parent meeting on March 27th,and voting will take place at the meeting on April 24th.
Click HERE to review the minutes from our last meeting for approval at our March 27th parent meeting.
Private Lesson Academy:
The Private Lesson Academy teachers have been contacted and should contact you soon with schedule information. If you would still like to enroll your student in the Private Lesson Academy, please contact Mr. McGuire. His email address is included below.
- Private lessons will be offered AT NORTHWESTERN HIGH SCHOOL as a convenience to parents and families.
- The private lessons will provide individualized instruction and feedback to help students advance to the next level on their instruments.
- Students will be connected with instructors to coordinate lesson scheduling and cost.
- We hope that EVERY STUDENT in the band program will enroll in the Private Lesson Academy.
Hawaii 2024 Information:
Students, families, and others may sign up for the Hawaii trip by clicking HERE.
If you could not attend one of our informational meetings, click HERE for the tentative trip itinerary, payment information, and a video to walk you through how to sign up for the trip.
Cookie Dough Fundraiser:
The orders have been placed, and items will be delivered the week we return from spring break.
Monthly Band Fee Payments:
There are still a significant number of students who have outstanding balances for the 2022 marching band fees. You can pay with cash, check, or money order, place it in an envelope with your child’s name and the payment, and then have your child drop it by the band office. You can also deduct it from your child’s BCP account by filling out the form HERE. Another option is to pay it electronically directly to the school by clicking HERE. Getting your fees paid as soon as possible is essential as it will impact other events such as prom. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Upcoming Performances:
March 18 Winterguard & Percussion Ensemble Performances at Indian Land High School
March 21 SCBDA Concert Band Assessment at Nation Ford High School (Click HERE to view itinerary)
March 25 Winterguard at Rock Hill High School
April 1 Winterguard & Percussion Ensemble Performances at Winthrop University
Please let us know if you are any questions or concerns, and thank you again for all you do for our students.