We have reached the end of another year and I would like to thank all the students and parents for all you did to help make this year so memorable. To the parents, I truly appreciate all you have done to support this program, and the students, thoughout the year. It couldn’t have happened without your help. To the students, I can’t stress enough, what a joy it has been to work with you. You are remarkable individuals and I am very excited to see what the future holds for you, and the program, in the years to come. I am confident it will be amazing. I hope all of you have a wonderful summer and please stay in touch.
Of course, we still have a little work yet to do and a few reminders to share, so please be sure to look through the following:
NHS Commencement Performance:
The underclassmen in the 2nd and 4th Block bands will be performing for commencement on Friday, May 26that the Wintrhop Coliseum. This is a mandatory performance for the students as indicated on the schedule that was distributed at the beginning of the semester and has been included in the weekly updates since the end of March. The ceremony will start at 6:00 but students need to arrive at 5:00 as we will start our performance at 5:30. Students are to wear nice clothes. Click HERE to see a more detailed explaination of the attire expectations for this performance as well as parking information and how the students should enter the coliseum.
2023 Marching Band:
If you have not submited the registration form or the $75.00 deposit please be sure to do so as soon as possible. The registration form is submitted on-line and a link to the form is available HERE. The deposit can be mailed to Mr. McGuire at the school as well as physical forms. Completed physical forms MUST be submitted before the beginning of band camp on July 31st. They can be scanned and sent electronically or mailed to Mr. McGuire at the school. A PDF of the physical form is available HERE.
From the Booster President:
Memory books
- Memory books are still available to purchase in the band room.
- $40…cash, check, or BCPs (payment must be turned in before the book goes home)
Band Fee Payments:
If you need to make a payment for the 2022 marching band, winter guard, percussion ensemble, or jazz band fees. Please mail it to Mr. McGuire at the school. You can also deduct it from your child’s BCP account by filling out the form HERE. Another option is to pay it electronically directly to the school by clicking HERE. These fees need to be paid before the end of the school year as it is very difficult to have them cleared from the school database over the summer months and it will cause delays with students receiving their schedules and parking permits in the fall. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Hawaii 2024 Information:
Students, families, and others may sign up for the Hawaii trip by clicking HERE.
If you could not attend one of our informational meetings, click HERE for the tentative trip itinerary, payment information, and a video to walk you through how to sign up for the trip.
Upcoming Performances:
May 26 Commencement Performance REQUIRED for all 9th, 10th, and 11th, grade band students