Announcements: Week of 10/12/2022

We would like to take this opportunity to remind parents about the importance of students being in attendance for rehearsals and performances. We completely understand that students get sick and need to stay home until they feel better, as we don’t need other students exposed, and trying to fight through it could prolong the illness. Likewise, we understand that opportunities arise to get away for a few days that are far more appealing than attending a football game or competition. However, it is essential to remember that we don’t have substitutes sitting on the bench ready to fill a spot when someone is absent or unable to perform. Likewise, even though one student missing during a performance may not seem like a problem, it is important to remember it does leave a hole, or a gap, in the formations. In addition, the students marching beside the hole created by the absence now have to perform their role with a different person on one side who is farther away which  changes their musical and visual responsibilities. As I stated above, we know students get sick and need to stay home, but that makes it even more critical that all the other students are in attendance, even if it is inconvenient or means missing an opportunity to take a weekend trip. If you have questions about attendance, please review the attendance policy on page 9 in the NHS Band Handbook. If you have specific questions, please feel free to call us or send us an email message.

Information for this week includes:

Friday’s Schedule & Game Info
Date: Friday, October 14, 2022
Location: RHSD3 Stadium (Cherry Rd)
Call Time: 6:15 pm at the stadium
Dress: Full Fall Uniform

         Click HERE to see the detailed agenda

Saturday Performance Schedule
: Saturday, October 15

Location: Mooresville High School in Mooresville, NC (Click HERE for maps and ticket information)

Performance Time: 7:00 pm
Rehearsal begins at 10:30 am at Northwestern
Dress: Full Fall Uniform

Click HERE to see the detailed agenda.

Rehearsal on Tuesday, October 18, at District 3 Stadium

Please note that we will have an evening rehearsal on Tuesday, October 18, at District 3 Stadium from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. This rehearsal will help us prepare for the SCBDA Upper State Championship performance on the 22nd, which is also the qualifier for the state championships on the 29th. This rehearsal is essential, and we need all the students in attendance and on time.

Fruit Sale:

The annual fruit sale has started and continues through October. Please be sure to contact family, friends, and coworkers. I get calls every year after we finish the sale asking if we are selling fruit and if it is too late to place an order. People will buy some fruit, but they need to be asked. There are brochures and order forms in the band room the students can pick up or click on the links below to access the information:

Link to Phone App to send information to family and friends electronically.

Link to Online Sales Website to purchase your fruit or to forward to family and friends.

Link to Sale Information with dates and instructions about the sale.

Olde English T-Shirts & Programs

In case you missed out on purchasing your Olde English t-shirt. They are $10. Contact Heather King to let her know what you need. T-shirt sizes available include S-4XL.


Please SIGN-UP HERE to chaperone upcoming football games and competitions.

Booster Parent Meeting Minutes

Please read through the following minutes from our most recent Booster Parent Meeting for approval at our next meeting. October 3, 2022

Upper State and State Bus Send Off

Save the date for the mornings of October 22nd (for sure) and October 29th (pending). We’re going to line Main Street to send our HARD WORKING band kiddos off to these big competitions as they pull away on the buses. Make some posters and bring along noise makers to add to the celebration. It’s such an easy thing to do and it doesn’t take long. The band students LOVE IT!


If you are able, please send a couple of packs of drinks and snacks. These will be used for our students when we travel.

What we need at this time:

  • Water – we can never have too much
  • Single-serving chips (variety packs)
  • Individually wrapped Little Debbie, Oreos, Nutty Buddy, etc.
  • Lance crackers, granola bars, etc.

Thank you for sending what you can to the Northwestern Band Room this week or next so we can provide snacks for our students.

Rehearsal Schedule for next week:

  • Monday 10/17 No Rehearsal – Students not in school
  • Tuesday 10/18 Rehearsal at D3 from 6:00-9:00 pm. Students will dismiss from school at the bell.
  • Wednesday 10/19 Rehearsal 4-5:30
  • Thursday 10/20 Rehearsal 4-6:00
  • Friday 10/21 – Football Game at District Three South
  • Saturday, 10/22 SCBDA Upper State Championships at Boiling Springs High School in Boiling Spring, SC. Report time 10:00 am, performance at 7:45 pm (Detailed information will be available next week)

Monthly Band Fee Payments

Remember to make your monthly band fee payment. You can pay with cash, check, or money order, place it in an envelope with your child’s name and the payment, and then have your child drop it by the band office. You can also deduct it from your child’s BCP account by filling out the form HERE. Another option is to pay it electronically directly to the school by clicking HERE.

Please let us know if you are any questions or concerns.

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