
The purpleregiment.com website is owned by the Northwestern High School Band Boosters (Band Boosters), which is responsible for the content. The website is not endorsed by, nor does it reflect the opinions of Northwestern High School, Rock Hill School District 3, or their staff, administration, or Board of Trustees of Rock Hill School District. Because of the number or possible sources of information available through this website, and the inherent uncertainty of electronic distribution, there may be delays, omissions or inaccuracies in the information posted to this website. The Band Boosters do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, currency, non-infringement, or fitness for a particular purpose of the information available through the website, nor do the Band Boosters guarantee that the website will be error-free or continuously available. The Band Boosters and all others associated with this website hereby disclaim all warranties, expressed or implied, as to any information, including all programs described on the website. Although we have taken measures to ensure accuracy of the information available to you on the website, no warranty of accuracy, expressed or implied, is extended to you. Everything provided to you on the website is provided to you “as-is.” In no event shall the above-mentioned be responsible or liable for any special, indirect, incidental, consequential, exemplary, or punitive damages arising in any way in connection with browsing the website.

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